Apple and Knife Sydney Book Launch

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March 25, 2018

Sydney Book Launch

Better Read Than Dead, March 23, 2018

Join Brow Books (the new books imprint from The Lifted Brow) and Intan Paramaditha at Better Read Than Dead for the launch of Intan’s translated short fiction collection ‘Apple and Knife’. We’d love to celebrate this remarkable book with you.

Shirley Le from SWEATSHOP Collective will officially launch this remarkable book into the world, and Intan will read from her work. The event is free to attend, the drinks are on us, and the book can be purchased on the night.

Inspired by horror fiction, myths and fairy tales, ‘Apple and Knife’ is an unsettling ride that swerves into the supernatural to explore the dangers and power of occupying a female body in today’s world.

These short fictions set in the Indonesian everyday—in corporate boardrooms, in shanty towns, on dangdut stages—reveal a soupy otherworld stewing just beneath the surface. Sometimes wacky and always engrossing, this is subversive feminist horror at its best, where men and women alike are arbiters of fear, and where revenge is sometimes sweetest when delivered from the grave.

Intan Paramaditha