We are Unfree Until Palestine is Free

When we chant, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” we imagine not only the time when Palestine will be free but also the time when we end the racist, colonial, patriarchal, global capitalist systems that privilege certain flows of people, capital, and ideas and yet at the same time demonize others, create open-air prisons, and enable mass killings.

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Intan Paramaditha
Indonesia's Criminal Code: Choose Your Own Adventure

Indonesia’s new criminal code (KUHP) is not just about the banning of sex outside marriage and how it affects on international travel and tourism. It reveals how state paternalism and overcriminalization are constantly reproduced in post-authoritarian Indonesia. The criminal code raises the question of who gets permission to speak and access knowledge.

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Selamat jalan, Gunawan Maryanto

Gunawan Maryanto selalu ada dalam perjalanan—kita tak selalu tahu ke mana tapi ia mengejar sesuatu-- dan Tuhan mengambilnya begitu saja. Hidup Cindhil dipenuhi puisi. Kematiannya juga begitu (Tak bisa berhenti untuk maut, maka maut menghentikannya—meminjam Emily Dickinson).

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Intan Paramaditha
Mengenang Budi Darma

Tulisan saya mengenang penulis yang saya kagumi, Budi Darma (25 April 1937-21 Agustus 2021).

Pada hari Sabtu, 21 Agustus, 2021, saya mendapat pesan WhatsApp dari Tiffany Tsao. Pak Budi kritis, katanya. Sejak Budi Darma dan keluarganya terpapar Covid sebulan lalu, Tiffany selalu membagi kabar dari penerbit Noura Publishing tentang perkembangan beliau. Tak lama kemudian, WhatsApp Tiffany datang lagi. Pak Budi telah berpulang. Saya dan Tiffany terlalu sedih untuk bicara di telepon, maka kami berduka sendiri-sendiri.

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Settler Colonialism and Transnational Solidarity - Etalase 2021 (moderator's notes)

[Moderator’s notes] This session is part of Etalase Pemikiran Perempuan (ETALASE, July 23-25, 2021). Settler colonialism is inseparable from imperial projects in global politics, where the accumulation and circulation of capital are built upon expropriation and disenfranchisement. In this panel we look at specific histories and experiences of settler colonialism in places such as Papua, Australia, and Palestine. The panel also explores possible new routes for transnational solidarity in the struggle against colonialism.

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Black Lives Matter and Cosmopolitan Solidarity

The global resonance of the Black Lives Matter movement has encouraged new ways to think about cosmopolitan solidarity. What makes solidarity across borders possible? When discourses of race and social justice circulate in the global media landscape, which oppression is visible, and what escapes us?

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