Broadside Festival of Feminist Ideas

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“Broadside is the new feminist ideas festival from the Wheeler Centre. Over the weekend of 9 and 10 November at Melbourne Town Hall, Broadside will present two days of unabashedly feminist programming, spotlighting a remarkable line-up of international and local speakers, and delivering a powerfully feminist agenda.”

Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Fatima Bhutto, Intan Paramaditha, Ruby Hamad

Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Fatima Bhutto, Intan Paramaditha, Ruby Hamad

Broadside, Town Hall

SAT, 9 NOV, 3.30PM-4.30PM

Nearly 20 years ago, Aileen Moreton-Robinson’s pioneering work Talkin’ Up to the White Woman took a sledgehammer to the idea of a unified sisterhood serving the common good of all women. It was Australia’s first ever analysis of feminism from an Indigenous woman’s standpoint. So, how far have we come?

It’s a problem faced by women everywhere: against a backdrop of racism and colonial privilege, unexamined whiteness and systemic oppression, a dominant representation of feminism has prevailed. How do we un-whitewash our feminism? 

Also read:

Five Questions with Intan Paramaditha, Liminal Magazine, November 4, 2019.

Intan Paramaditha