"Mother, Monster"

Intan Paramaditha

Oh Comely Midwinter Issue 46 (print); published online on January 28, 2019

My mother has played hide and seek all her life. Sometimes she is around, sometimes she isn’t. A year ago she was diagnosed with a serious illness. Through some divine or devilish intervention, she has been showing signs of recovery in the past two months. The mind, however, is a delicate matter. ‘Sometimes I feel she’s someone else,’ said my father, a former abominable patriarch now turned nurse. This was not the first time. My mother had gone to another space before, and had returned as another woman.
— "Mother, Monster"
“Mother, Monster,” Oh Comely Issue 46, 2019.

“Mother, Monster,” Oh Comely Issue 46, 2019.

Intan Paramadithaessay